The coronavirus has caused a major global health pandemic with far-reaching effects across every industry. Besides contact, one of the significant transmission mechanisms for this virus has been through the air, hence the safety recommendations of using masks. Since a furnace circulates hot air in your home, it can also...
Why Is My Furnace Blowing Cold Air?
Furnaces can develop issues when you first turn them on after staying unused for a long time during the warm summer months. Some of the common problems include faulty burners, heat exchangers, and aged furnaces that may have severe issues that prevent optimal functioning. If you notice that your furnace...
My Furnace Can’t Keep Up!
Having an inefficient furnace can make your home quite uncomfortable, particularly during the cold season. From failing components like the heat exchanger to the seizing of the furnace, there are multiple variables that affect the performance of your furnace. Fortunately, with regular maintenance and professional heating repair, you can keep...
Do Furnaces Have a HEPA Filter?
Furnace filters do an essential job of keeping both the furnace working properly and ensuring better indoor air quality. The principal function of these filters is merely removing unwanted air particles from moving throughout your ductwork. That particle clearance safeguards the blower fan in the furnace and the house residents...